Do I need to carry out remedial and plumbing works?

The need to carry out remedial repairs to your water system can arise from various sources such as a legionella risk assessment, a monitoring visit, audit or simply an internally identified fault.

"During the inspection the assessor is looking for any elements of the design, construction or operation which could lead to conditions under which Legionella would be expected to multiply."
BS8558:2015; pg23 paragraph6.

In order to ensure that these works are carried out in conjunction with the latest legislation and guidance it can often be beneficial to use a specialist contractor for this. W.E.T have over 20 years experience of completing these types of works to the highest standards, ensuring our clients are not only compliant, but receive outstanding levels of service.

What is involved during remedial works?

The following is a list of common remedial services that are required to bring building water systems up to compliance:

DEAD LEG REMOVAL - Removal of lengths of unused pipework

Lengths of unused pipework have little to no water flow, this creates a stagnant breeding ground for harmful pathogens such as pseudomonas and legionella bacteria. Where possible these should be removed from the pipework entirely.

works examples

Why choose W.E.T for your remedial works?

  • Strictly compliant:
    W.E.T carry out remedial works in accordance with The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 and ACoP L8 to keep you compliant with health and safety guidelines and water system regulations.
  • We have seen it all:
    Over 20 years experience has confronted our engineers with a wide range of site issues, so you can be reassured we will recommend the most efficient solution for your needs.
  • Remedial work and tank refurbishment:
    In addition to planned maintenance, our experience as a subsidiary of a tank manufacturer employing trained plumbers enables us to identify and provide reactive works (see tank refurbishment and remedial works) efficiently and cost effectively to an extremely high service standard.
  • Quality standard:
    All remedial services are managed under our quality standard ISO 9001:2015 to ensure we maintain a high standard of service when on your premises.
  • Cost effective and efficient:
    We employ bespoke software to enable Legionella risk assessments to be carried out efficiently and cost effectively so you can be reassured of value for money.
  • Accredited by the Legionella Control Association:
    Services are carried out under internal procedures which have been accredited by the Legionella Control Association to ensure year round compliance and quality of service to our clients.
Our friendly and experienced customer service team are here to help you.


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Registered in England No. 2685141
