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Internal Water Supply - A mains injection or pipe work chlorination is the process of disinfecting and pre-commissioning a building's internal hot and cold domestic system, including all pipe work and storage tanks. This service ensures systems are safe to supply potable water to outlets such as drinking water or showers.
External / New mains Water Supply - When new water mains supply are installed to a site, there is a mandatory requirement by the local water authority for the pipework to be flushed and disinfected in accordance with their own specification.
All new or modified water systems require to have this performed before they can be connected to the mains supply to prevent contamination of the water supply.
The recognised standard for undertaking both of these services work is PD855468 and HSG274 Part 2 (and BS 8558:2015) alongside any additional requirements of specific water authorities.
Closed systems: heating and chilled water (LTHW and CHW) also have pre-commission cleaning and water treatment requirements.
We provide the client with a detailed method statement of the disinfection process and identify the services to be disinfected.
Mains water is flushed around the system until the supply is clear, removing installation and manufacturing debris from the pipework.
The disinfectant is prepared at the required concentration and pumped into the system at the agreed injection point. This is drawn through all points of the system until the disinfectant is detected at the required concentration at each draw off point.
At this point the system is closed and left for the specified contact period. This is typically one hour when using 50ppm chlorine disinfectant.
For systems with known contamination problems W.E.T recommend analysing the water in advance to determine the optimum disinfection process for the specific infection.
Provided the disinfectant level has not significanctly deteriorated the disinfectant is neutralised by pumping through a neutralising solution. This in turn is then flushed out with mains water.
To confirm the efficacy of the disnfection process water samples are taken from the furthest outlets on the system, these are tested for TVC, E-coli/ coliforms, Pseudomonas and Legionella by a UKAS accredited laboratory.
Upon completion the client is issued with a disinfection certificate clearly stating that the works have been carried out to BS8558:2015, appropriate for any water authority, as well as subsequent microbiological sample analysis results from a UKAS accredited laboratory.